1. |
Employee's Information: This is where the current logged user's basic information appears. With ID No., Name, and Nickname.
A user may file an entry for another employee (depending on the system's access grant for users) by clicking the lookup button for employee.
Assume you have clicked the lookup button for Employee, then the system will pop-up another window:
Lookup for Employee:
- This pop-up window retrieves lists of all employees from a data source record.
- You may filter an employee by its Costcenter.
- You may select a row from the list and click the button SELECT to select employee. (Selected row is highlighted with red color background)
| Note: Filing an entry to another employee is only applicable for users who have an access grant from the system. You may ask your system administrator for further assistance. |
2. |
3. |
Control No: or Transaction Control No., is an auto generated number for every transaction made by user within the system. It is unique in all kind of transaction.
For this type of transaction there is a lookup button in control no. This will retrieves all notice(s) you have previously filed for employee(s) UNLESS IF, the employee retrieved the notice from "LEAVE ENTRY".
Assume you have previously filed a Leave notice entry and not yet been retrieved by the employee subject for this notice:
Lookup Detail: Leave Notice Entry
- This pop-up window retrieves lists of leave notices from a data source record.
- You may use the Search box to seach specific detail.
- You may select a row from the list and click the button SELECT to select a notice. (Selected row is highlighted with red color background)
4. |
Date of Leave: Default Date is the system's current date. You can select Leave Date by clicking into this icon (date picker).
Shift for the Day: This shows an employee's shift or woking hour schedule.
Date Time Filed: The date of entry being filed.
5. |
Inform Mode: Select inform mode by clicking on its lookup button.
- You may use the search box to search specific detail.
- You may double click on the row to select detail directly and close lookup window.
- Once you have selected a row, you may click the "Select" button to select detail and close lookup window.
Relation: Select Relation by clicking on its lookup button.
You may follow procedures from Inform Modelookup for selecting detail.
6. |
TYPE of leave: View lists and select a type of leave:
7. |
8. |
The Start Time and Endtime indicates the time duration of your Leave. You may choose one of the options provided for you to correspond its Start and End time.
- Whole Day Leave
- Quarter Day Leave
- Half Day Leave - AM
- Half Day Leave - PM
9. |
Reason: State a reason for this entry. Please be noted that if you have leave this entry empty or any of the required information above during saving, this transaction cannot be save.
10. |
Status: The status will let the user identify the progress for this transaction. It is either: "NEW", "ENDORSED", "APPROVED".
11. |
SAVE Button: A user may click this button when done filing entry.
A message from WEB prompts after saving leave notice. An employee subject for this notice can now retrieve transaction. Click OK to continue.

A user may encounter this messasge from the web. This means that an entry he/she filed is conflicting with an entry that was previously filed. A user may check the Date from this form.
| Note: Filing leave notice to other employee(s) is only applicable to users whose incharge to file from his/her behalf. |
Assume that the employee subject for this notice will retrieve entry from "LEAVE ENTRY"
To retreive filed notice: Follow these steps below:
Step 1. Go to Transaction > Leave > Leave Entry:
Step 2. Form "Leave Entry" there must be a button lookup for Control No. Click the button.

Step 3. After cliking the lookup button, another window will pop-up with filed notice(s)

This message from the WEB prompts after selecting leave notice from lookup. Click OK to continue.

Step 4. After you have selected a notice from lookup window the details will be retrieve to "Leave Entry" form which you can Edit and update or Endorse to checker.
NOTE: A user may now save this retrieved transaction and endorse to checker.
NOTE: New saved transaction can be viewed and retreive from "NEW AND PENDING TRANSACTION"
CLEAR Button: A user may use this button to clear out some fields from the entry form.
CANCEL Button: A user may click this to cancel transaction before saving it.