thai lottery result[taya365.com]'Play money' funds have no value and are kept separate from 'real money' funds. They are not transferable to a 'real money' account nor are they redeemable for any currency. We do not promise to accurately record the number of play money chips held by You and Your play money chips may be lost at any time. Further, We reserve the right to set a maximum chip limit for play money Accounts.
thai lottery result[taya365.com]'Play money' funds have no value and are kept separate from 'real money' funds. They are not transferable to a 'real money' account nor are they redeemable for any currency. We do not promise to accurately record the number of play money chips held by You and Your play money chips may be lost at any time. Further, We reserve the right to set a maximum chip limit for play money Accounts..